What will you bring 2020?
It is time for one of those moments, one of those evaluating moments. Approaching the second half of this year. Perhaps things comes down to looking into ones own backyard and start thinking about, what will my residual 2020 look like?
Thoughts goes to the people fighting the fires emerging and that has been happening around in California. Sadness and sorrow for those involved and suffering. Support to the firefighters sacrificing a lot to be there for us all in need.
I feel that it is easy to think “seems like 2020 is out of my control” and that “it is the type of year that you just want to forget”… it is too easy to say anything regarding our major health concerns around the world. But as we have time to think about things that are in our control, one of those things is what do I do on a regular basis to work towards: fairness, equality, justice for all, anti-racism, not enabling racism and a progression of our social constructs.
History so brutally tells us, “as humans we never change, greedy, hateful and destructive”. Do we learn from history? Perhaps many feels that we do not. As individuals we can develop, create new routines. But can I change my neighbour? Can I change my larger connected community? These are challenging and interesting questions, and for those who take a conservative pessimistic angle the answer is: “No”. 2020 might bring that feeling so far. But for someone who see progress as a necessity, I would say, focus rather on what we can change. Social constructs. Social constructs and the rules of which we play have been a constant evolving and changing format in all our human societies. If human nature is constant then let the constructs be evolving and the varying parameter. That is, change structures and laws, reform economical settings and systems. In the same way that women finally were allowed to vote in west world countries, look it up - not that long ago, shows us that indeed the constructs change, if the humans cannot. In the same way should 2020 be the year when we kept working in our close surroundings and made the changes, had those rough discussions. The year when we took our chance to talk to people about their experience and their thoughts about the world that is always changing and progressing, whether we want it or not. Change is inevitable and has to happen, that is 100% in the Nature of all, often referred to as the evolution.
My 2020, bring me that joy where we all feel that we do have things to work on, the things that are in our control.
I write this in the Westbrae favvo place.. feeling that small fresh sent of how life “used to be” and think about how I will do my beat to continue work and let 2020 be that year when things mattered. Change was needed, and we had to make it. And perhaps this becomes indeed the year when things became as important as they deserve. The year when I took that time to evaluate my own bias and prejudice and settle and work on my white fragility to move forward towards a better future and society.
The smoke from fires around Bay area… sadness… thoughts goes to the people who suffers and support towards fire fighters working so hard to save people.