Joakim Engström
Senior Polymer Scientist at Sway
Just joined Sway as a Senior Polymer Scientist! Sway is forging the material and cultural dimensions of a plastic-free future with the regenerative power of seaweed. Check out our webpage for more info and join the newsletter: Sway home page
Post DOC position at University of california BErkeley
Started a post doc position at UC Berkeley from 10th of September 2019 in Prof. Phillip Messersmith’s group. Finished in May 2022 after doing many different projects with multidisciplinary approaches.
Working with renewable materials and supramolecular assembly of polymeric compounds towards biomedical applications. Trying to work out greener and better protocols and phasing in renewables where possible. Much of the work will be circulating around and inspired by the chemistry and mechanism behind these wonderful animals glue…
Marine mussels…
Research overall aim was new materials from trees, working within polymer chemistry and synthesis of block copolymers for modification of cellulose (partly focused on latex synthesis) at the division of Coating Technology and Wallenberg Wood Science Center (WWSC). Detailed study plan and Doctoral thesis can be sent upon request. The defence was on the 22nd of February and I received my PhD within Fibre and Polymer science.
Stayed 2 months in the lab of Muriel Lansalot and Franck D’Agosto in CPE Lyon at the The Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Lyon in France. Research stay financed with the applicants received own money from Svensk-Franska Stiftelsen. Resulting in two publications.
Was also teacher and Program Director for a one-week science camp for students of 17-18 years old, to increase the interest in research and higher level studies at University. Includes organizing the logistics around the camp together with pedagogical structuring and performing of a lab project together with a group of students.
CHemical Engineering at KTH ROYAL institute of Technology, stockholm, Sweden
Finishing a five-year Chemical Engineering program at KTH. Courses on Master of Science level included polymer chemistry, fibre technology, bio fibre chemistry, material mechanical properties and polymer physics.
Was also teacher and Program Director for a one-week science camp for students of 17-18 years old, to increase the interest in research and higher level studies at University. Includes organizing the logistics around the camp together with pedagogical structuring and performing of a lab project together with a group of students.