High hopes, low expectations…
There has been a long time since last post. Much has happened, still it feels like nothing has changed. We have now spent more than half of the last 12 months in shelter-in-place and ”shutdown” mode. Visiting outdoor seating restaurants very rarely, and only going out for shopping needs is daily life. Focus is still on recreational activities such has long neighbourhood walks in beautiful Berkeley (lovely streets and houses on the Hills) and visiting Campsites in Redwood-forests and National/state parks. We are doing ok, grateful and thankful for good health and hope for peaceful times. Much focus is also though on other things.. We are in for some serious times now, not only is the Pandemic still affecting us on all levels, this country will go through a very polarising and toxic election. What is at stake is already clear to most people, so I will not go into details, other than democracy needs to contain hard work and transparency. All I hope for is a transition into serious and honest politics, with serious politicians to enter the stage, politicians who can work for the people with facts and science, who can work for the low-income, the workers, the minorities in this country. This country needs a President who cares and show respect to the beauty, the diversity of this country. Who does not use such violent, bullying and anti-democratic rethorics. The country needs new leadership in Washington DC both the Congress and the White house. The current Presidency and the Conservative push, show and communicates only failure towards the majority of people, working class and low-income Americans, not that they seem to ever had any sympathy or serious plans for anyone other than the rich and the ones in power. But the sympathetic leadership is also needed at more local level, Counties/Cities and local communities. Social justice, solidarity and hard work for the people, all people. May this be an election showing signs of respect, solidarity and compassion. Showing signs of compromise and admitting when one did something wrong and trying to grow and learn from each other instead of claiming grounds and stubborn will. I have High hopes, but still seriously low expectations that this country will achieve necessary change.
In the meantime, going camping for soul-repare from the serious anxiety this current US President causes for me and so many of my friends and family. Had a beautiful chance to visit Yosemite thanks to our amazing Swedish friends Jonas/Matilda ❤️ 🇸🇪🇺🇸 Trying our best in this year 2020, the weirdest most uncertain year in my lifetime so far. You beautiful Nature. John Muir spoke about this place and I agree:
”By far the grandest of all the special temples of Nature I was ever permitted to enter.”
Thank you Nature!!
Stay safe, respect and love each other and please go vote for a new President, if you can, here in US!
Sunset over the Yosemite valley
El Capitan
Half Dome
Bagpipe player from Paso Robles.. Up on Sentinel Dome