2020, it is a Wrap!
Hi.. not many posts last months.. has been hard to post with so much going on, too mucy to write about so ended up writing nothing. Therefore, my last post for 2020 is coming just after my videocall with family in Sweden finished, where it just turned 2021.
I have learned this year, had time and chances for even more learning. I learned how to appreciate the small things in life, and even more how beautiful it is to be connected to nature more physically with walks and touring our great forests. I also learned a lot about humanity, to call out racism, to see and call out the power forces in our society. I grew even more found of the principles of sympathy and empathy, and to treat people and our resources with more care. Politically I learned that we in so many places around the world need to look much deeper and further into justice and to decrease the still increasing financial and social gap between us citizens. I also learned that we need to change the narrative the has been dominating our societies for way too long, which is that ”being strong and selfish is powerful” and that ”individualism is our true nature”. We need to discuss what type of corporate and political leaders we want and how they reflect us the people, are we selfish and do not care for others, and do not want to share any of what we bring in, or are we open to share our fortune and wellness with others as team players. As I experience and see it, must of us people are truly caring and not dominantly selfish. What has previously and tactically been told, that our true nature is selfish, is false. We are not dominantly selfish in nature, we are in fact helpful, loving and caring humans many times willing to even risk our own safety for each other by doing heroic things and caring acts, just look now on our everyday heroes in first responding professions including all the healthcare workers out there. (Stay safe and healthy also for them, give them some respect and peace, follow health guidelines.) The false narrative on selfish humans needs to change, because now the corporate leaders and politicians with strong selfishness and lack of empathy dominates both the narrative and the power, it has to change. I will take the hard lessons of 2020 with me into 2021, with low expectations and super high hopes ❤️
Peace and love I wish you all!
Finish off with an image that summarize my feeling for 2020, a privilege to visit a true farmers winery in south Oregon, Devitt winery, delicious wine and a super friendly host and winemaker and farmer, Brendan. My confused and focused looking face tells the story of 2020, it was like a sip of wine wearing a santa hat, with all that comes with, some earthiness, some tart, some sour, a hint of bitter, some awkward looks, some sweet, but in the end it gives you a chance to see what you want to see, life is right there and right now and it can be beautiful or it lacks everything. Let it be beautiful.
Devitt winery, sipping on that bottle fermented 50-50 blend of Chardonnay and Viognier. A beautiful wine in a beautiful place. Happy new year y’all 🍾❤️🥳