Dazed and Confused…
Hi! 👋 from Berkeley.. ”Shelter in place”. Much has happened since last blog post. At previous post, little focus was put on the growing issue of spreading of a virus around the world. This time, once again, very little focus will be put on this virus since it is already done ”out there” on the internet etc etc. But I want to start by sending all my worries, thoughts and condoleances to all people that has been affected by this tragedy. As I aim to proceed my work as usual, but now from home, I feel strongly for all the affected people out there and wish this tragedy to end. As all other horrible situations we humans face out there in our regular lives, we can hope to see a few outcomes in a more positive direction asap, and perhaps when time goes, a few positive changes on a fundamental basis as a global community.
With that said, thoughts about more lifestyle situations arise. Being home without the usual physical in-person interactions I think about social media. During a St Patricks Day Zoom Party this week me and our friend Kiersten started to discussed about how we might start to separate using technology for occasions where we are not physically connected (i.e on the same place) but instead not use our phones at all when we do meet in person. Perhaps we will finally define social media as only legit when we cannot easily physically meet? Being home, feeling present in a global world by connectivity is truly social media. Yet, it cannot compare to the Bar Hang with friends and clonking sound of a Beer glass - physical media? Being home feeling quite fundamentally confused about the situation in relation to what is really happening out there in the Big World. These are not easy times. Therefore, one of the things I love is music, music to feel connected. So I finally took a step and started a Spotify list for official spread, feel free to take a look:
On the local side, I have taken the journey of the title name of this post - the Tax journey.. feeling extremely dazed and very confused I finally finished my return. That was probably the most difficult thing I have done so far in regards of personal admin as a non-resident Alien. Perspective from an alien..
See you all soon! Via video… via social media❤️👋
My view working from home is Amazing! #thankyousunandclouds