Another day in the shelter…looking back and forward
As I am writing this blog post, tomorrow is the start of my 3rd week of working from home upon the command to ”shelter in place”, meaning stay home and only essential businesses and activities allowed. Working from home when it is not your regular work place these days can be seen as an opportunity, something fun, interesting but also something to be thankful for. Not everyone have the chance to work from home and we see daily people loosing their jobs, I feel for them and wish us all back to regular activities asap. I also see a huge opportunity for people with large assets and capabilities to contribute and give back to the people way more, more on that on zoom happy hour calls. However, we will get through these times some way like we always do as humans and as one, these are the times to feel connected globally and not focus on what makes us different but what makes us same. The proof is in front of us being all affected some way, and hopefully will be fundamental to our take on future days. Day by day, and from now on with sustainability in mind, with more passion to the natural foundations that brings us what we have and see in front of us and what is really important to us. I will use this time to further connect with my surrounding nature and evaluate my old behaviours, utilise the opportunity to try. We all can look at this scenario with a fresh set of glasses and think about our personal impact before and after.
On a more easy not, a few thoughts after working from home a few weeks;
Ergonomics is hard to arrange, to get the right posture and set up to work on a laptop. Sounds simple, shallow and like a joke but has quite big consequences..
Working from home deserves a good schedule and plans, sticking to routines like lunch and coffee breaks.
Filling your days with work as a researcher is NOT difficult.. tonnes of literature to work through and read up on. I think papers written during these weeks will have the best review processes and literature background ever..
Taking workout walks outside during daylight helps the working process a lot! Freshen up the mind and spirit but also makes the daily dose of alternating environment. I am happy and thankful for the nature out there, now almost more than before.
With these thoughts I can share my experience and wish us all a good time being home and hoping that we all can cope and keep healthy. These are so special times none of us know what is next, but we can always keep up the solidarity, humanity and take care of each other. Keeping the calm towards each other, knowing that the person next to you can be in financial troubles is to me very important. Interestingly, I would like that to be, and it sounds like this should be, possible on a regular basis.. what makes it so hard to keep solidarity and respect as a standard lifestyle value. For some easier than others it seems.
I look forward to see how we choose to continue after these weeks. I look forward to the sports coming back. I look forward to going out on a more regular basis. I look forward to going back to what we had before, looking back it was a way more interesting everyday.
I also want to share my now 8h work day playlist on Spotify (DJ Matador strikes again), updates coming this week..
Take care, be safe and respectful! And Love thy neighbour!
On the walks in nature I can see my favourite bridge, so beautiful it is in the horizon. Golden, red bridge.