2020 - renew behaviours and renewable resources
First, Happy new Year 2020 from me in Berkeley! Me and C stayed the whole winter time in California/Oregon for hang out with Corinnes family, was really nice to be with them without the stress of needing to leave for other visits etc. Other times we travel more under little stress to have time to meet the beloved ones. On a global take, 2020 have already reminded us how serious the world can be and how we desperatley need to move away from all kind of corruption and have 100% transparency and work towards peaceful and democratic processes. 2020 already also showed me how needed comedy is in my life, watching more of the very talented and fun late night talkshow hosts here in US, Fallon, Colbert and Meyers. Globally, not all things are that serious in our lives, we need our kind of humour, and to feel that we belong in this large entity.
It struck me yesterday that one of the largest differences for our time 2020 compared to 3 decades ago when I was born(!!), assuming that this country have a President that cares about true open politics as a tool to make democratic decisions, is that we indeed get all information and activities so much in our faces. With that said, I think there is not more shit happening or bad stuff occurring today than before, rather the we see about it and read about it way more. The amount of shit happens is constant? We need to choose simply how we wipe that up and throw it away, sort the flow. But especially understand the shit, yet also highlight the flowers. I started crying two times during two nights in different late night talkshow productions, first when Sen. Warren was a guest and second Sen. Sanders. Reason being, the first, her professional vibe was striking and the latter for saying that decreasing our impact on Climate change is the top priority. It says something on how I need to work on this 2020, these two senators are acting and saying what I was used to hear way more and grew up with regarding politics. Now enter end of 90s computers and then 2007.. new social media - maybe Shit happens media. I will try to adapt accordingly, and increase my positive love bearing content because I am 100% sure it is out there and it is not covered with shit. If you have recommends on how to get positive facts and news (our dear Prof. Rosling was a pioneer on this topic, RIP) send me recommends.
Now, for my personal goals (nyårslöften in Swedish) for 2020 I was thinking a lot about the following: 1. Learn new things and be able to expand my comfort zone even further which includes doing things I am not used to, 2. Visit Sweden with a new set of ”googles” i.e. having living abroad for about 9 months arriving to Stockholm, how will I see that small country of 10 Million people. As a good fellow Bay Area person told me once, the Swedes tend to feel very much like the center of the World (just like many other cultures), but in fact we are a quite tiny spot on the map population wise, sometimes though very fast to judge others.. so I will look forward to brake down some of the differences. My 3rd goal, work on the mantra that we are all, despite our human similarities, very different and dynamic beings. Different needs and capabilities, I think we should also make that clear to our surroundings, as should I this 2020 year. To maintain a healthy balance between work and outside work. 4. Celebrate Dirty Thirty, obviously! I felt ready but now I kind of wanna start a Food Truck combined transportable group therapeutic lunch clinic with my brother in LA and California.. we will see about that..
(2020 started so good with our very close friend Alexandra visiting and my brother have been and is here for 4 weeks. Could not been better. Made the world feel so small and comfy, making me feel strongly connected to people around the world. We should treat eachother accordingly i.e with love and Respect.)