”Mobilize, mobilize, mobilize”
Taking opportunities in shelter-in-place times.. listening to podcasts of great topics. Last one I picked up (video pod?) is just so interesting and informative, from George Monbiot, journalist who was wrote many different interesting books including ”Out of the Wreckage: A New Politics for an Age of Crisis”.
Take a look/listen on one of his talks at Sheffield University titled: ”The Pricing of Everything”.
And listen to this wonderful song by Looptroop Rockers and Jose Gonzales (unfort. in Swedish)… “They put a price on everything, but not the value”. A very thoughtful and poignant chorus.
Have some nice times in the spring/summer heats and think about how we can mobilize a change more efficiently. The point is, not adapting to the people who don’t care but rather keep a steady line and be more unified and focused with the ones who care, convergence not with polarization. There are interesting discussions to be made about the different isms of today and the future for all of us not just a few selected percentages.
Nature should perhaps be beyond and above the human-established economical systems, not a part of it. It is the least to be the foundation of it, not something to simply just add to the equation. Monbiot bring up point after point in this topic, and us pricing everything is not the way to go. Well, there will always be discounts and sales to benefit a business owner not the Nature.
Stay safe out there!! Take care! Love and respect from the Bay!
View over The Bay.. thinking about how equality and respect for eachother and the nature must be part of our foundation going forward.